
1- Download Metamask

2- Search and download MetaMask wallet in Play Store or Google Play
3- Once the application is installed, open it and click on «Get started»
4- Once the application is installed, open it and click on «Create new wallet»
5- Set password and confirm then click on «Create password»
6- Click on «Start»
7- Click on «Start»
8- Click «View» and write down the recovery words in the indicated order and click on «Continue» (These words should be carefully saved to recover the wallet in case of loss of the device or any other inconvenience)
9- Select the words in the same order that they were noted in the previous step, then click on «Complete backup»
10- Click on «Done»

11- Click on «I Agree»

12- Configure Binance network: Open main menu on top left
13- Open «Settings or Config»
14- Open «Networks»
15- Click «Add Network»
Network name: Smart Chain
New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com
17- Add CHUKKER Token in wallet: Click on «+ Add Tokens»
18- Open Browser on Mine Menu

The following video explains how to enter our website and buy the new $CHK tokens through pancakeswap
